The Linux Blog


Widescreen Advantage (Source Engine)

Filed under: — Clete R. Blackwell 2 @ 8:59 pm

As this article reports, there is an unfair advantage given to widescreen users in the Source engine, which is used by VALVe’s new games. (Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, and Half-Life 2 so far) View.

As clearly shown in the screenshots, you can see more on the screen at once in all games (nevermind Half-Life: Source and Half-Life 2, it gives no advantage over other players). While this isn’t a huge problem, or not as big as the cheating problem (the Vavle Anti-Cheat system is not in place yet on CS:S), it is still a nuiscance that can needs to be taken care of. Would you like to be in a server being annihilated by people with widescreens? (ok, so I exaggerated with the word “annihilated” ;))

New Atomic Clock

Filed under: — Clete R. Blackwell 2 @ 4:15 pm

stevelinton writes “The UK National Physical Laboratory has a new atomic clock potentially 1000 times more accurate than current cesium clocks: to within 1 second in about 30 billion years! This could lead quite soon to a new definition of the second, and in a while to improved resolution in GPS successor systems. More interestingly, there are theories that some of the universe’s fundamental dimensionless constants may have changed by a parts in a million over the last 10 billion years or so. These clocks are so accurate that they should be able to detect these changes over a year or two.”

Full article.

Ok, so I was lazy and copied it from ./ directly, hence I didn’t post it at Great Big Blog.

Sounds interesting. Did we need a more accurate one? Also, the ‘constants may have changed’. Since when does a constant change? This makes it a variable. Anyways, that couldn’t have happened; the world isn’t that old.

Sun Resells RedHat but Against Them

Filed under: — Clete R. Blackwell 2 @ 3:27 pm

Linux headware firm “Red Hat” is fuming at the way that Sun is pitching it’s release of Solaris 10 earlier this week. Though Sun resells Red Hat’s software, the firms are growing increasingly hostile as they compete for the same set of customers.

Now Sun has openly said that it sees the new version of Solaris as a tilt at Red Hat which it sees as sitting in the space that it wants to occupy.

Full Article

Interesting, so Sun is selling RedHat’s software, but are trying to compete with them.

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