Archive for November 22nd, 2004

November 22nd, 2004

The GIMP has recently released The GIMP 2.2-Pre2 to the public. Keep in mind it’s a pre-release and is probably very buggy.

I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but here is a list of the major changes:


Previews for transform tools

Previews for many plugins that didn’t have them, and improved previews for many that did.
Preview now can resize and contain a navig window like the imagewindow.

Many user interface changes to improve layout of dialogs, and comply more closely with Human Interface Guidelines.

Greatly improved drag-and-drop between GIMP and other applications.

Improved ability to copy and paste between GIMP and other applications, including OpenOffice and Abiword.

New file open/save dialogs. The open dialog does automatic thumbnailing, using embedded EXIF thumbnails if available.

Much content covered by the help.

A new script interpreter, Tiny-fu, which will eventually replace Script-fu.
Shipped separately

A new keyboard shortcut editor, allowing shortcuts to be defined for many more things than before, including many actions that don’t have menu entries.

Interface for controlling various parameters with a variety of devices. Allow keyboard, mouse wheel, MIDI controller, etc to be used as a GIMP controller.

New plugins: neon, cartoon, photocopy, softglow, dog, retinex.

Tools dialog lets you customize which tools are shown in the Toolbox, and their order. (You can add color tools to the Toolbox.)

A full list of the new features is found here.


The GIMP is used the most as a native graphic manipulation application in Linux, but is probably used even less than Photoshop is used in WINE.

Filed under General Tech, Linux, Old Archive by Clete R. Blackwell 2
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