New Atomic Clock

stevelinton writes “The UK National Physical Laboratory has a new atomic clock potentially 1000 times more accurate than current cesium clocks: to within 1 second in about 30 billion years! This could lead quite soon to a new definition of the second, and in a while to improved resolution in GPS successor systems. More interestingly, there are theories that some of the universe’s fundamental dimensionless constants may have changed by a parts in a million over the last 10 billion years or so. These clocks are so accurate that they should be able to detect these changes over a year or two.”

Full article.

Ok, so I was lazy and copied it from ./ directly, hence I didn’t post it at Great Big Blog.

Sounds interesting. Did we need a more accurate one? Also, the ‘constants may have changed’. Since when does a constant change? This makes it a variable. Anyways, that couldn’t have happened; the world isn’t that old.

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