Widescreen Advantage (Source Engine)

As this article reports, there is an unfair advantage given to widescreen users in the Source engine, which is used by VALVe’s new games. (Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, and Half-Life 2 so far) View.

As clearly shown in the screenshots, you can see more on the screen at once in all games (nevermind Half-Life: Source and Half-Life 2, it gives no advantage over other players). While this isn’t a huge problem, or not as big as the cheating problem (the Vavle Anti-Cheat system is not in place yet on CS:S), it is still a nuiscance that can needs to be taken care of. Would you like to be in a server being annihilated by people with widescreens? (ok, so I exaggerated with the word “annihilated” ;) )

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