The Linux Blog


KDE 3.4 Preview

Filed under: — Clete R. Blackwell 2 @ 9:37 pm

KDE 3.3.2 was tagged today, so we should see a new bug fix release of KDE in the first or second week of December. Earlier this past week, the plans for a KDE 3.4 release were also finalized. This will be the last major KDE 3 release before KDE 4. KDE 4 will make use of the Qt 4 library which promises to be quite a revolution for KDE and all Qt applications, but will break binary compatibility with previous releases.

The release schedule for KDE 3.4 plans for an alpha release December 3, a beta release January 7, and a final release March 16 2005. The 3.4 release will bring a large number of features and functionality enhancements over previous KDE 3 releases. Here are some of the features already implemented:

Full article.

Looking down the list later on in the article, all I can say is “nice.” Yet, I’m not so focused on 3.4 as I am of 4.x :). Breaking compatiability with QT4 :(. Sounds like Longhorn. It will most likely be worth it, though (not saying Longhorn’s system isn’t, haven’t tried it yet), but we will have to see.

Power of Torrents

Filed under: — Clete R. Blackwell 2 @ 8:54 am

Last night, around 11PM, I uploaded a torrent for DarkSpace, a MMORPG. It was approved at 4AM on SuprNova. At 6AM EST, we had 150+ seeders. Wow, talk about publicity.

A few people recommended I get a reward for my idea, but I don’t think I should.

By the way, to get the torrents, here’s what I have:


Also, check out SuprNova (gave a link so you don’t go to SupERNova or .com/.net, the other ones are scammers). You will notice quite a bit of illegal file sharing, but all of my torrents are quite legal.

You may also read my topic about it in the forums.

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