Windows XP SP2 Soon to be Forced

The intent of this alert is to provide you with a reminder about the upcoming deadline around the date on which Automatic Updates (AU) and Windows Update (WU) will deliver Windows XP SP2 regardless of the presence of the blocking mechanism. This dateline is quickly approaching.

Based on customer feedback, Microsoft provided the ability to temporarily block the delivery of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) via Automatic Update (AU) and Windows Update (WU) in August 2004, so that our customers can complete their testing and implementation of their deployment mechanism for SP2.

Beginning 12 April 2005 this temporarily blocking mechanism will expire and systems with Automatic Update enabled or interactively download SP2 via Windows Update will begin receiving SP2. Note that this is also the scheduled day for the monthly cumulative release of security updates.

Microsoft strongly encourage customers to take the appropriate steps to implement SP2 deployment decisions by that time. More information and guidance about this temporary blocking mechanism at source.


Time to turn off automatic updates, as Windows XP Service Pack 2 will be forced. What I mean by forced is not what it sounds, but you cannot “ignore” it as before, where you could uncheck it and tell it not to remind you of updates again. I would have to recommend turning automatic updates off by April 12th.

2 Responses to “Windows XP SP2 Soon to be Forced”

  1. whatever Says:

    Unfortunately even with automatic updates turned of as soon as you connect to the internet after april 12th windows will still update itself ignoring the automatic updates off setting.

  2. Clete R. Blackwell 2 Says:

    Beginning 12 April 2005 this temporarily blocking mechanism will expire and systems with Automatic Update enabled or interactively download SP2 via Windows Update will begin receiving SP2.

    Sounds to me that you need automatic updating enabled or a manual download. Can you clarify where you figured this out from?

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